Both of these seem relevant to stuff I'd like to blog about as well. The Arts class is about us getting out in to the Portland arts community and checking out shows. We are then asked to write about the experience and talk in terms of the class discussions. I like this idea and believe it will provide insight into my life and Portland.
As for the Media class, I love to talk about the media. This class is encouraging me to write about it more as well. The questions asked really help to frame my writing and give me some direction. Typically, I lack prompts and fail to write. However, I hope these will encourage me to get back in the habit of writing.
So far, I have written three pieces. I believe I will start posting them this week or early next week. My goal will be to post about one piece a week to spread it out over a period of time. This way there is a steady stream of updates to my blog as opposed to one large clump all at once.
If you are curious, the topics so far include "Graceland" by Paul Simon, the death and life of American journalism, and the play Willow Jade which just had its world premiere in Portland. Look for these updates soon.