Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Uncomfortablness and Ignorance of Racism

As I attempt to write a response to the readings from Rothenberg, I am unsure where to begin. Although I have encountered some of this subject matter before, it is still difficult to process, and I find it troubling to me personally. Of course, Bonilla-Silva warns that the material will make you feel "quite uncomfortable" (131), and he is right. Racism is a difficult topic to discuss, and despite any improvements we have made as a society, it is still a rampant problem. This article points out how racism like almost any system has evolved and adapted to stay alive.

It is difficult to change the system because as McIntosh points out white people are not taught about their power and privilege(173). To a certain extent, I believe we are actively taught to ignore it because to admit privilege is to acknowledge a certain extent of racism, and in our current society, to admit to being racist is bad. Therefore, it is difficult for us to acknowledge privilege because we do not want to be seen as racist. Instead it is easier to plead ignorance to the situation and just admit the disadvantage of other groups.