Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yeah, I Do Need to Live Soon.

While getting ready this morning, I was talking to my friend Wendy on AIM because that is the proper way to start a day. I was updating her on changes in the situation from last night. The girl wrote on my Facebook wall saying she forgot she had plans, but she invited me to join her and some other people I know.

My friend Wendy told me I should go. Being the avoidance person I am, I tried typing out about needing to leave for work soon. Instead I typed, "Yeah, I do need to live soon."

Talk about a random typo, but I kind of believe it may be a bit of a Freudian slip. I need to get out and enjoy life more. I should stop spending so much time holed up in my apartment I need to get out, take risks, and experience more.

For so much of my life, I live in fear. I am afraid of many things, but I am not completely sure what. Perhaps, I am just afraid of fear itself.

What it all boils down to is that I need to overcome what I am dealing with. I need to get out and do a little more. Spend less time isolating myself. The best way to help with this I believe will be to believe and have a little more faith in me.

Of course, I say these things, but am I likely to follow through? Well time will tell...


  1. Methinks one step at a time, matey. The Wally will abide. Coming out when you're invited places is an excellent start. You'd better go this Friday! Don't think about expectations, just have a good time.

  2. I agree with Chris, Don't feel like you need to embrace and then attempt to over come every thing that makes you uncomfortable at once. Baby steps, then if something disappoints you, it'll be a tiny letdown you can easily step over, not a monumental show stopper. <3
