The comic tells of the relationship among four female B-league superheroes. I have been out of the comic world for a bit, but I do recognize at least two of the characters on the cover: Black Cat and Firestar. The other two heroines are Photon and Hellcat.
Anyway, the story reads a lot like an episode of Sex in the City with a dash of a Lifetime movie. The gals talk about their love problems and sex life to one another. As you can guess none of them are too lucky. At the end of the issue, the comic touches on the realm of Lifetime tearjerker when one of the super heroines reveals she has cancer. It makes the story even more melodramatic, and for an extra punch, the issue ends in a cliffhanger.
The entire comic really does give off a strong Sex in the City vibe. In fact, the main narrator of the comic is a writer. The publishing of her second book is what kicks off the story. I am not really sure what made this sound like a good idea, but hopefully, it works out for Marvel.
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