Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hunting Lions

I don't know if this is true or not. It is just the way it is told, and it is the way I heard it. (Or read it I should say.)

When lions hunt in Africa, they split into two groups. One contains the young and strong members of the pride; the other has the old and weaker members. The two groups gather on different sides of the prey.

Now these old lions may not have as many teeth nor may they have as sharp as claws. However, they do still have mighty voices. When the time comes, the old lions release these deafening roars that terrify the prey.

Instinctively, the startled prey decides to run away from the perceived danger. They run the opposite direction Unfortunately, they run into a more dangerous and harmful situation.

After reading this story, I have been trying to apply it more to my life. Too often, I let fear control my life. When a situation arises, I run away. In doing so, I find myself still getting hurt. Unlike the prey, I believe I need to face my fears more.

Now in this current troubling situation I am dealing with, I hear the lions roaring. Part of me wants to just run away, but I know down that path I will just get hurt like I always do. I will just be letting myself down.

On the other hand, maybe I should try and run towards the situation instead. However, that seems completely fool hearty. By this point, I really should just give up, but then deep inside my a heart, a voice shouts, "No. Not this time."

Perhaps, the best solution is to walk, not run. That way I can easily change direction. If the situation gets dire, then I continue walking away. If while walking that way, I sense some hope, then I can easily turn around. Since I am walking, I won't have gotten as far. Proceed with caution both directions.

Just some thoughts.

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