Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To New Beginnings...

When I awoke this morning, I was in a terrible mood. My mind raced with sad thoughts, and I felt miserable. When I got to work, I was definitely not looking forward to the day.

However, I began a conversation with a good friend of mine (Yoshi FTW!). After working through some issues, my friend challenged me to make changes in my life. She wanted me to start following my dreams more and doing things for me. Shortly, my mood improved as I thought about what she told me and charged me with.

Where to begin? Well thanks to some help from Wendy and some reflection, I quickly decided upon two things that I really miss: blogging and reading. Back at New Year's, I made the resolution to read more, but now I am going to make more effort into reading at times than other than my morning commute on the bus. Secondly, I am going to start blogging again. Thus, a new blog!

In an effort to increase my chances at blogging regularly, I am creating this new blog. It will ultimately replace my xanga. Of course, it will follow the same format as the old. I will mostly discuss my daily routines. The purpose is to help me process through the events of my life and create a record for me to look back upon.

Wish me luck in this new endeavor.


  1. Good luck! p.s. you stole my blog format but I'm ok w/ that because we are friends and thus connected deeply.

  2. So what's first on the reading list, eh?? (I'm trying to read 3 books at once - I don't recommend it) ^_^

  3. Good for you! (And good for Yoshi!)

    My goals are quite similar. We can encourage each other I think!
