Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sinking Pretty Ladies' Battleships

Lately, I have been extremely tired. I am not sure why, but it has been difficult getting through days. From this exhaustion, I am just feeling all around weak. I know I mentioned this before, but it is continuing. Some of the same ol' stuff is tearing me down. However, it is not getting me as down as before... luckily.

Well, I have been job searching. As of right now, I have applied for... one job. However, I have everything ready to go for another one, and I am almost ready for a third. I just need to finish writing a cover letters. Speaking of which, those are pain in the arse to write. Hopefully, my latest attempts to pay off.

At long last, I am trying to get radio jobs. The one job I applied for was a Producer/Call screener position. It may only be part time, but I think it would be fun. I am also going to apply for a sales job at a station. I know. I kind of hated Sales class, but it would be a good job. The third job is with a community media group, and it is more what I would really like to do.

I shaved. My beard is now gone. While removing it, I took gradual steps. At first, I had friendly mutton chops, then I got rid of the chops. After that, I rocked a mustache. I would have kept it longer, but when your mom says you look like a pedophile, it is probably wise to listen. Sheesh my mom is mean.

Last night at pub quiz, I had a completely different line up for The Good, The Bad, and The Wally. The usual good and bad had replacements. I am not going to lie. I found it a little more fun this week. I think I kind of miss the constant changing of the team we had back in the summer. Of course, we did not do so well in the actual rounds, but we did win the Thirsty Lion Trivia Challen. Free beer and beer glasses! Huzzah.

I may lose, or tie I should say, at games of Scrabble online, but with Battleship, I am an ass kicking, name taking Admiral.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wally - have you thought about getting a job as a pub quizmaster? You can make decent cash. ASk me about it.
